Third Week

  • This week we talked about the Magic Box. I found it very interesting and useful for me as a future ELT teacher. It can be used in different stages of the primary school and it can be used to start a new topic, to finish it or even to assess students about a topic. In my opinion, it is a fantastic idea. 
  • Later on, Lidia showed us a recording of a teacher using the Magic Box in her school. It was practical to see it in live and it helped me to understand the advantages of it. Moreover, Lidia mentioned a interesting idea: Magic Box for a birthday party. I think I will make it when I become a teacher because I really like it. 
  • I would have liked to think about more ideas for Magic Boxes in class but we didn't had enough time. So when I got home I started to look for some new ideas. I attached some in my Symbaloo so I can use them in a future.
  • We also played a game called Feely Bag. When we started the class, Lidia gave us a Feely Bag with some objects inside. We touched it and then we tried to guess what was inside of it. I really liked this activity and I had fun doing  it al class. I think the feely bag activity has many benefits for kids because they can learn through their senses as they explore using their sense of touch. 
  • Then, we did an activity in groups of three. We had to clasify children's basic development characteristics in different areas of development and in VYL (Very Young Learners) or YL (Young Learners). I didn't particulary like that activity. Maybe it was too easy or too open so the clasification wasn't really difficult.